LaFlux – Extremely Customizable Laravel Admin Dashboard. It has been a very long time, we have been using Laravel. All these time Laravel has been proved that, it is the best framework for Web Applications and having tons and tons of features.The re is no competition for Larvel now, It’s already in the rightful place.
Hi, Newbies..It’s Laravel…”Oh no”…
When I was a newbie to Laravel, honestly, I scared it. Same thing, happened for my friends and may be you too. Then again it took, a hell lot of time to make a good structure inside the web.But, it was a the stone ages. A new era has been started with the rising of Laflux.So, fo those who don’t know LaFlux, let’s, gets started. Oh, one more thing, this time newbies don’t have to say ‘Oh…no..”.
LaFlux simplifies everything further. You don’t have to think about most of the things, that you do when initializing the Laravel framework. All of those are already done in this.
Recently, the Admin Dashboard for Laflux is released. This dashboard is built on Genetelella theme, which is available as a free them. Genetelella is a free Bootstrap 3 based admin template, with a lots and lots of customization’s. You can find the Genetelella open source repository and documentation from here. Laflux is light weight and flexible.
The core component of Laflux is the Laravel Admin Dashboard, which is built on Genetelalla free admin template. This Laravel Admin Dashboard is available as a free and paid version. The free version is available on the Github repository with plenty of other packages included. The paid version can be purchased from the following link: Laravel Admin Dashboard. Of course, there are some extended and added features with very good support on the paid version of this Laravel Admin Dashboard. There are many reasons to consider this Laflux platform and Laravel Admin Dashboard. If you go through the features, you can understand more about it.
Default Username :
Default Password : 123456
Ok. Let’s look Laflux main features are:
100% Upgrade Guaranteed
While other CMS and platforms stuck at a particular version of Laravel, because of too much of the modifications. But, in this the case is different. Developers are not at all changed the structure of Laravel, which means that you can upgrade the framework anytime.Also, the developers are 100% guaranteed about the upgrade and updates.
Laravel 5.2 or 5.3 to Kick Start
You can start with Laravel 5.2 or 5.3 as your wish. Since, some funtions like pluck() are depreciated in Laravel 5.2 onwards, there is no support for Laravel 5.1. But, for those want to setup this in Laravel 5.1, can do without much effort.
User Management & User Groups Management
In Laflux, Users and their groups are managed in the dashboard it self. A complete CRUD functionality is implemented on Users, User Groups and almost every tables in this dashboard. However, if you want to customize the CRUD’s, it’s very easy.
Powerful Access Control Logic (ACL)
The Laflux platform uses a very Powerful Access Control Logic (ACL) to manage various permisiions for different types of uses. It’s perfect. And super easy to setup. And also, there is a option to rearrange the positions of the each ACL item.
Inbuilt Data Tables Support
Data tables are supported and in fact data tables plays a very important role.
Easy CRUD Management
CRUS Management is super easy with Laflux.
Extension Manager for integrating many packages
You can add new packages like modules, components, themes etc using the inbuilt Extension Manager. Which is almost similar to WordPress. Except, if you add more and more packages, it doesn’t slow your Web Application.
Rapid Customization Options
Some other features are Full Admin Theme,Clean and Professional UI, Inbuilt CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap Support, Free Lifetime Updates, Comparable with All-Modern-Browsers, Multiple Icon Fonts, Retina-Ready Design and etc..
You will get many free modules and components with this Laflux Dashboard. Few of them are: Module Manager, Page Manager, Menu Manager, Banners, Gallery, Themes, etc.
In my opinion, I highly recommend Laflux. It’s simple and super easy to use. I hope you like this article “LaFlux – Extremely Customizable Laravel Admin Dashboard”. Thanks for reading. I will append some screen shots, Just take a look.
Screen Shots