Start with WordPress Home Page.So, Let’s start.Every websites have a home page.The home page can be dynamically generated or static.In WordPress we have two options.You can either display the latest post on home page or you can create a staic page and display this forever.WordPress gives control on what should appear on the front end, in a simple manner.
As you are a beginner, i recommend the option of showing latest post on the home page.To do this :
Goto Settings in the left menu Select Reading sub menu. (Just below the Settings menu) Select "Front Page displays"
Now we have two options on this page. A static page display option and a dynamic page.
Dynamic Page
Dynamic page automatically loads your blog posts. Just select number of post to display on the front page front the “Blog pages show at most” section.
Static Page
To display static page, first you have to create a page. You can design a html page and paste the code in the the page.Now select the Static page option.And save the settings. Now.Now you can visible a static page on the front.
Note:You can choose static or dynamic pages with your interest.But, it should be neat, clean and attractive.Home page and contents are the most crucial part of a website.