Cleaning Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux or Any Arch based Distros

Cleaning Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux or Any Arch based Distros, is useful sometimes to gain more space on hard disk or to increase the overall performance.Either way, you don’t need those packages, that ar not useful for the system.
I have been using Arch Linux and Manjaro Linux (Arch based distro gaining popularity) more that 3 yeasrs. And, i am very satistied with te system performamce and all.Sometimes i push it with the clean up procedure to improve overall system integrity.
So, i thought it could be useful to those, who want to do this in a easy way.By following this instructions you can easily remove orphan or unwanted packages and all. This commands are useful for Cleaning Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux or Any Arch based Distros.

  • To remove unneeded packages use the command pacman -Qdt.
  • To review explicitly installed packages, you can use the command pacman -Qe.
  • TO remove old cached packages, use the command paccache.
  • If you installed anything without the packat manager pacman, Check /usr/local and /opt.
  • Also, Use lostfiles to check for files on the filesystem not owned by any packages.
  • One more thing, clean up your journal logs. (It’s not necessary to keep the kernel boot log from a year ago or more).
  • Also, Check your $HOME directory, it may contain random applications (Find the unnecessary one and remove them carefully).